Literacy Framework

Edna ISD will provide ALL Cowboys with academically rigorous reading-language arts instruction based on four beliefs:

  1. We believe in developing strong readers through the use of high quality instructional materials to provide explicit, systematic instruction in the early grades with dedicated phonics instruction, decodable texts, and spoken language.  

    • We believe in developing strong readers through the use of complex texts and deep discussions to improve reading comprehension and written responses.

    • We believe in developing strong readers by building reading skills across all grade levels, expanding background knowledge and academic vocabulary.

    • We believe in developing strong communicators and analytical thinkers by prioritizing evidence-based text responses in all curricular areas.

Foundational Skills

Edna ISD uses high quality instructional materials with full fidelity of implementation. All students are taught the fundamentals of decoding (as well as the spoken language) and will apply decoding to authentic texts. Edna ISD instructs through explicit, systematic practice using repetition and application. A dedicated phonics instruction program is implemented. 

Complex Texts

Edna ISD students are provided on-grade level texts to expand their vocabulary. Edna ISD recognizes that complex texts generate deeper conversations and questions to guide and improve comprehension. Edna ISD students build on experience, create and deepen interest, and make connections vertically.  Edna ISD uses guided reading and scaffolded writing to increase student comprehension and improve students’ written responses.

Building Background Knowledge

Edna ISD prioritizes teaching to the meaning of the grade level text (vs focusing solely on skills). Edna ISD uses complex cross-curricular passages to ensure ALL Cowboys are prepared for the STAAR redesign. Edna ISD recognizes that background knowledge is key to filling the gaps, and teachers use best instructional practices, such as chunking information, read-alouds, text exposure, and repetition. Edna ISD recognizes all teachers instruct reading by building background knowledge and academic vocabulary through texts in all content areas and using a discussion board in their Google classroom that is specific to their content. 

Writing Across All Contents

Edna ISD recognizes that reading, speaking, listening, and writing go hand-in-hand. Edna ISD gives all students an equal opportunity to use analytical thinking to engage in grade level texts. Teachers provide students opportunities to practice on-grade level responses using text-evidence while building vocabulary. Providing classrooms that are supported and inviting, students are encouraged to share their written responses to obtain feedback from peer discussion, which benefits the revision process. 

To achieve our vision and remain dedicated to our literacy beliefs, we commit to the following actions:

Board Members will:

  • Ensure staff have the training and resources to fully implement a high quality reading program

  • Prioritize hiring well-qualified staff to work with low performing students

  • Set budget to ensure high quality reading programs

Superintendent will:

  • Maintain high quality hiring practices and organizational support to insure high quality reading instruction

  • Monitor protocols to insure priorities are placed in terms of resources and personnel to improve overall reading outcomes

  • Provide a framework for relationships and practices to allow families to support their child’s literacy development

Campus Administrators will:

  • Be familiar with the reading research and the components of phonics, phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, accuracy, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension

  • Create a culture of expectations that support the district’s reading mission and vision

  • Ensure Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is in place to address deficiencies and needed areas of intervention

  • Continue PLCs to discuss progress, strategies, and delivery 

  • Design a master schedule that provides the required number of minutes for reading instruction

Teachers will…

  • Internalize and plan using high-quality instructional materials

  • Ensure instruction is implemented with fidelity

  • Actively participate in job-embedded professional development and PLCs

  • Utilize coaching and implementation supports

  • Collaborate and communicate with parents/guardians regarding student successes and academic needs

Support Staff will…

  • Support instruction implementation with fidelity

  • Actively participate in job-embedded professional development and PLCs

  • Utilize coaching and implementation support 

Students will…

  • Attend school regularly and engage in instruction in order to achieve academic growth

  • Take ownership of their education through authentic responses

  • Collaborate and communicate with school staff and parents/guardians regarding successes and academic needs

Parents/Guardians will…

  • Support classroom expectations

  • Ensure students are at school each day on time

  • Collaborate and communicate with school staff regarding student successes and academic needs

  • Prioritize literacy in the home

Community Members will…

  • Volunteer on Edna ISD campuses when available

  • Share industry knowledge and application

  • Support Edna ISD Literacy Framework initiatives

Through a coordinated and collaborative effort, the following Edna ISD Literacy Instructional Framework Committee worked diligently to create a quality Edna ISD Literacy Instructional Framework based on research-based instructional strategies to benefit All Cowboys. 

Robert O’Connor


Brandie Roe

Asst. Superintendent of Curriculum & Technology

Heather Socha

Curriculum Director

Candace Whittley

HS Asst. Principal

Richy Dubroc

JH Principal

D’Anna Long

JH Teacher

Mary Williams

HS Teacher

Taryn Muncrief

Elementary Principal

Tracie Brown

Elementary Teacher